Marvel Animation released a new trailer for the highly anticipated animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, premiering later this month. Starting with the iconic...
Onyx Collective, the premium content brand under Disney Entertainment Television that focuses on curating stories from creators of color and underrepresented voices, announced the...
Happy International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month! In order to celebrate the amazing women characters in pop culture, Disney+ has launched the “Female...
Paramount+ isn’t messing around. The upcoming streaming service, rebranded from CBS All-Access, announced today that Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave) will star in...
The Walt Disney Company announced today that it has signed an exclusive 5-year TV deal with Proximity Media, the multi-media company founded by writer/director/producer...
There’s just one more episode left for the first season of the spectacularly-frightening, mind-blowing, genre-bending HBO series Lovecraft Country. It’s been a truly incredible...