Onyx Collective, the premium content brand under Disney Entertainment Television that focuses on curating stories from creators of color and underrepresented voices, announced the...
The premiere of Yasuke, the animated series on the first Black samurai, is almost here! Releasing exclusively on Netflix this week, the series features...
One of the most highly anticipated upcoming fantasy series, Netflix’s Shadow and Bone, released an epic new trailer and several stills from the show....
Disney+ announced today that as part of Disney’s “Initiative 29,” it would be highlighting Black stories on its streaming platform beyond the typical February...
Happy International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month! In order to celebrate the amazing women characters in pop culture, Disney+ has launched the “Female...
Paramount+ isn’t messing around. The upcoming streaming service, rebranded from CBS All-Access, announced today that Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave) will star in...