As a kid, there was one animated series theme song that I sang constantly – “Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!” That theme song...
Marvel Animation released a new trailer for the highly anticipated animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, premiering later this month. Starting with the iconic...
With apologies to Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka and Grogu, Obi-Wan Kenobi might just be the most popular Star Wars character in the entire franchise. First...
Happy National Streaming Day! To celebrate, Disney+ released a new trailer and key art for its upcoming Big Hero 6 spin-off series, Baymax! starring...
The Brothers Garcia, which premiered on Nickelodeon, was a groundbreaking show for its time; it was the first English-language sitcom to have an all...
Since the release of Marvel Studios’ Black Panther in 2018, the studio has embraced the value (and profitability) of diversity in its projects. Many...
The word “groundbreaking artist” gets thrown around too easily, but if there’s someone who really fits that title, it’s multiple Grammy winning singer, rapper,...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand in interesting new ways with the introduction of Moon Knight, a superhero that struggles with mental illness...
This week, Moon Knight makes his much anticipated Marvel Cinematic Universe debut with the premiere of the Moon Knight series on Disney+. The character...