As a kid, there was one animated series theme song that I sang constantly – “Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!” That theme song...
Marvel Animation released a new trailer for the highly anticipated animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, premiering later this month. Starting with the iconic...
Star Trek is one of those rare enduring franchises—arguably the first of its kind—that can be passed from generation to generation: its message resonates...
Pixar’s Cars is one of Disney’s most easily recognizable franchises. Cars first debuted in 2006, followed by two sequels, spinoffs, and even theme park...
The challenge with telling any superhero story is making them relatable. As much as audiences love seeing god-like beings accomplishing impossible feats, at the...
The Terminal List, Prime Video’s newest addition, is author Jack Carr’s military/spy tale starring the Guardians of the Galaxy’s Chris Pratt. The series is...
Constance Wu is constantly seeking new challenges as an artist. Best known for her lovable performance as Rachel Chu in the blockbuster romantic comedy...