Marvel Animation released a new trailer for the highly anticipated animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, premiering later this month. Starting with the iconic...
Onyx Collective, the premium content brand under Disney Entertainment Television that focuses on curating stories from creators of color and underrepresented voices, announced the...
The nefarious supervillain COVID-19 has completely decimated summer cons, even taking down the greatest con of them all, San Diego Comic-Con. SDCC is the...
The Walt Disney Co. announced today a first-look deal with activist and former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. The first project between Disney and Kaepernick’s...
Prepare for an epic superhero team-up in honor of Juneteenth! TNT, TBS and truTV are coordinating a one-hour special on all channels tonight featuring...
Holy epic team-up Baixi (who gets it?)! The incredible casts of groundbreaking TV shows Kim’s Convenience and Fresh Off the Boat are coming together...
UPDATE: Bryan Konietzko’s charity auctions on behalf of Navajo Nation COVID-19 Relief Fund are now LIVE ON EBAY! There are currently 5 auctions on-going...
Thomas Polito of The Cinema Spot reported yesterday that Marvel Studios is planning a new Disney+ series based on Ironheart. According to Polito, Marvel...