As a kid, there was one animated series theme song that I sang constantly – “Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!” That theme song...
Marvel Animation released a new trailer for the highly anticipated animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, premiering later this month. Starting with the iconic...
Netflix’s highly anticipated live-action adaptation of the immensely popular anime and manga series, One Piece, is finally setting sail. Collaborating with Tomorrow Studios, Netflix...
Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury has been part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the very beginning. Ever since that unforgettable post-credits scene in...
NBCUniversal Launch is the company’s first major effort to increase diversity and representation for unscripted programming. These efforts include different programs to increase diversity...
Prime Video’s original series With Love, returns for a second season with more fun, deeper relationships and more of the wonderfully diverse characters that...