As a kid, there was one animated series theme song that I sang constantly – “Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!” That theme song...
Marvel Animation released a new trailer for the highly anticipated animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, premiering later this month. Starting with the iconic...
Marvel Studios returns to Disney+ just in time for the holidays with its latest series, Hawkeye, starring Hailee Steinfeld and Jeremy Renner. The series...
French-Cambodian actor Élodie Yung, best known for playing Elektra in Netflix’s Daredevil series, is back in Fox’s upcoming drama series, The Cleaning Lady. This...
The Marvel universe continues to expand into the animated world with its second animated series on Hulu, Hit-Monkey. Following the more mature themed M.O.D.O.K.,...
Animation in the United States is a particularly interesting industry because it’s so heavily impacted and inspired by Asian art and culture, and yet...