In recent years, as studios and brands have begun to more fully recognize the value of engaging diverse communities, the importance of marketing and...
Sony Pictures’ awesomely violent stylized blockbuster Bullet Train is adapted from the Japanese novel MariaBeetle by Kōtarō Isaka. While the adaptation switched out the...
Constance Wu is constantly seeking new challenges as an artist. Best known for her lovable performance as Rachel Chu in the blockbuster romantic comedy...
DisneyNature’s upcoming film, Polar Bear follows a female polar bear from early life to motherhood in the Arctic. It’s a visually breathtaking and fascinating...
The word “groundbreaking artist” gets thrown around too easily, but if there’s someone who really fits that title, it’s multiple Grammy winning singer, rapper,...
Disney Pixar’s latest film, Turning Red, premieres today on Disney+! A wonderfully sweet and fun coming-of-age story about a Chinese-Canadian girl, Mei Lee, and...