Tickets for the highly anticipated live-action film adaptation of Wicked are on sale now. To celebrate, Universal Pictures released a new poster featuring Glinda...
In the filmmaking world, there are rare combinations between a director and actor when everything they touch turns to gold. Martin Scorsese will always...
It seems impossible that it’s been 24 years, nearly a quarter century, since Ridley Scott’s Gladiator film was released. Starring Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix...
If you haven’t heard by now, Disney and Pixar’s latest film, Inside Out 2, absolutely crushed the weekend box office, earning $155 million domestically...
Netflix’s upcoming animated fantasy epic, The Imaginary, is directed by veteran animator Yoshiyuki Momose, who worked for decades at the legendary Studio Ghibli. Now,...
Lionsgate released a new trailer for its upcoming action comedy, The Killer’s Game, starring Dave Bautista. Following four smash hit John Wick films, it...