Featured Dreamville & Interscope Celebrate ‘Creed III’ with Recreational Therapy Day A bright Sunday at the Expo Center LA saw a steady influx of people—young and old alike—on the gymnasium floor to participate in the... Elijah Isaiah JohnsonMarch 13, 2023
Featured Epic New Spot Reveals May 24 Premiere Date for Disney’s ‘American Born Chinese’ Sometimes you just know that a project is special from the very beginning. Disney’s American Born Chinese is one of those special projects, with... Ron Seoul-OhMarch 12, 2023
Featured INTERVIEW – ‘Chang Can Dunk’ Stars Bloom Li, Ben Wang & Director Jingyi Shao The upcoming Disney+ film Chang Can Dunk is the kind of film I wish I was able to see when I was a kid.... Ron Seoul-OhMarch 8, 2023
Reviews REVIEW – ‘Gannibal’ is a Satisfying Crime Thriller Of all the topics movies and shows touch on, cannibalism is one you rarely hear much about; and perhaps with good reason. Sir Anthony... Elijah Isaiah JohnsonMarch 1, 2023
Featured REVIEW – ‘Creed III’ is a Viscerally Engaging Knock-Out Creed is a film franchise that’s almost too good to be true. There aren’t even many single films spun off from an iconic film... Ron Seoul-OhFebruary 25, 2023