Movie News

Trailer and Poster for ‘Shortcomings’ Directed by Randall Park

Sony Pictures Classics released a new trailer and theatrical poster for Shortcomings, the upcoming romantic dramedy directed by Randall Park. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year to critical praise, and serves as Park’s directorial debut. It’s developed from the award-winning graphic novel by Adrian Tomine.

Shortcomings follows Ben (Justin H. Min), Miko (Ally Maki) and Alice (Sherry Cola) as they navigate a range of interpersonal relationships and traverse the country in search of the ideal connection. When Ben isn’t managing an arthouse movie theater, he spends his time obsessing over unavailable blonde women, watching Criterion Collection DVDs and hanging out with his best friend Alice. When Ben’s girlfriend, Miko, moves to New York for an internship, Ben is left to his own devices and begins to explore what he thinks he might want. 

Shortcomings Poster

The trailer is so much fun and finds that balance between hilarious hijinks and addressing genuinely relatable issues. Based on the trailer, I really enjoyed the fun chemistry between Justin H. Min and Sherry Cola. This story screams Asian American experience and I’m thrilled that we’re getting more of these kinds of films.

Shortcomings premieres August 4, 2023!

Shortcomings Trailer

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